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Showing posts from February, 2018

Dell Laptop Technical Support Phone Number

Dell computers are available in best price for all users. It has quality features and long battery life. Although Dell computers have customer supportive features but sometimes due to technical fault its shows issues. To solve technical error related to Dell computer Dell has tech support team to help their customers through  dell customer support number .  The tech support team of Dell provides its service every time. If your Dell computer refuses to boot to Windows 10 then you can follow these steps to fix it. Step 1. Verify your computer finishes initial power-up (POST) To verify the computer for finishes initial power-up check for when you on the power of the computer and Dell logo screen with a bar at bottom shows, the bar fills up completely and get disappears. If it happens successfully then your computer has successfully completed POST. Step 2. To hard reset unplug all external devices from computer It might possible that hardware interfering with the process of the b

Dell Printer Customer Service Phone Number 

The most popular computer technology company Dell was established in 1984. The founder of Dell was Michael Dell who had a dream to be the owner of such company which provides computer and its related products at affordable price. It has established it’s headquartered at Round rock, Taxes, United States. Dell industry is a company of computer hardware and software which provide its best service worldwide. The journey of Dell was not easy it faced many ups and downs, now finally stable as a top leading company in the world. It also cares about customers, therefore, Michael Dell launched tech support team in 2006. Any kind of problem-related to Dell products can be solved by a team of tech support through  Dell Tecnical Support   which is open for every time. Basically, Dell offers computers, smart phones, tablets, laptops, notebooks, printers, scanners etc. These all products of Dell has a high-quality performance at affordable price. Due to low price compared to competitors and